maandag 8 november 2010

Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm of the femoral artery

It is one of the most troublesome complications after various invasive cardiovascular procedures related to the femoral arterial access site. Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysms (IPA) form when an arterial puncture site fails to seal, allowing arterial blood to ooze into the surrounding tissues and form a pulsatile hematoma.

Diagnostic criteria include: swirling color flow in a mass separate from the affected artery, and a typical “to-and-fro” Doppler waveform in the pseudoaneurysm neck.

Ultrasound-guided compression repair has replaced the need for surgical repair of FAP. Recently, percutaneous thrombin injection in the FAP has gained popularity.

For further reading:

LENARTOVA, M. Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysm of Femoral Artery: Case Report and Literature Review. Clin Med Res. 2003 July; 1(3): 243–247.

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